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Friday, May 09, 2008

Do Your Prospects Know What to Expect From You?

When you are working with potential team partners for your business, do they know what to expect of you and from you if they decide to "sign on the dotted line?"

What type of training and support can they expect?

What will the next step be?

When will they hear from you?

You can increase your sign ups dramatically if you layout for them exactly what to expect and what will happen next.

This can be done in a few different ways -

1. In the phone conversation, ask the question - "Jim, do you want to know what to expect and what the next step will be when you do get signed up?"

(Jim ALWAYS answers yes!)

Here is my answer -

"You'll receive and email from our corporate office with away with your company ID and details for accessing the back office of your site. You'll also receive a welcome email along with your First Steps to Success outline and the Roadmap to Success. Those documents will get you into our team training site and discussion group. And, you'll know exactly what to do first to get your business started.

I would then like to schedule a phone call within 48 hours to go through this information, answer any questions and assist you in developing a business plan that will fit for you.

From there, we'll be working closely together to get your business going. How does that sound? Any questions?"

Now, you've gone a long way in furthering the relationship and the future is right out before your prospect.

My next step is then to give them my website where they can see a little of my training process and email them the signup link, unless they ask for it right then.

Give this a try and see what happens.

To see how I outline my training process, click My Training Information.

EXPECT Success!

Jackie Ulmer

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